What is SuperTitles.gr?

Supertitles.gr is a surtitles projecting software! As a software that's all it does... But it's done in the best possible way! With a lot of years of experience and a big set of features it is considered as one of the leading software for it’s purpose.

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Supertitles.gr is also a surtitles projecting set of services. Supposed you don’t have the knowledge, time, personnel or money to offer the best surtitles experience to your audience for your event, or for a set of events (if you represent a festival), our company and group of partners can offer to you all the services you need.

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Why do I need SuperTitles.gr?

Surtitles in our days, are not only needed for foreign languages performances. They are also needed for to present native language support to people with hearing problems, or to tourists visiting your country, or even foregin languages learning students.

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the above organizations have either bought supertitles.gr or used it as a service

In their own words

  • I am a fan of your software. I can sincerely say that I have not encountered a software that works better.

    An Vervecken
    Surtitles specialist
  • A very clever, friendly and easy software; it even allows you to follow on-stage improvisations. It’s the best platform I’ve ever used by miles!

    Eri Kyrgia
    Dramaturg / National Theatre of Greece

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